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CARD Canada Autism Conference

CARD Canada Autism Conference
Friday, October 22, 2010
The Galt Country Club
750 Coronation Blvd
Cambridge, Ontario N1R 8E3


Dad's Night 2011 at the Autism One Conference

Hello Moms and Dads,

As most of you who have attended the AutismOne Conference in years past know, there has been a Spa Night for moms to relax and be pampered as they should be....

For the 2011 conference, I have the honor of putting together the first Dads' Night. I am off to a great start with local business willing to participate and give dads some time to relax, eat and drink with their peers.

Please spread the word and, most important, attend the 2011 AOne Conference! It is has been so beneficial to many families and children; this year's will not be any different.

2010 Conference DVD List ready

The 2010 Conference DVD's are in the store and ready for sale. DVD's will be ready to ship starting the week of June 14th!

Click here >> to check find the DVD that will help you and your family!


2010 Conference DVD - Questions

I wanted to post this blog to give our great members a place to ask questions about which presenters and DVD from the 2010 conference will best help their needs.

I can then get feedback from the AutismOne team who was at the conference and even the presenters themselves so you can decide which DVD's are best for you! Please post your question or comment below. Click here >> is a link to the DVD's so you can look at the various titles available.

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Three Case Studies Demonstrating ...

The Davis Model of Sound Intervention introduces sound-based therapies appropriately when a diagnostic evaluation determines the need.

DANGER: Thin Ice presented by ...

Laurette Janak takes a look at pre dispositions and health risks as they relate to environmental insults such as thimerosal.

Pollution and Childhood Illness by ...

David will talk about the incidences of childhood and adult illnesses in the communities in which he has worked as an organizer and advisor.

The Chemical Octopus presented by ...

Many of us are involved in dealing with various disease entities--endometriosis, birth defects, autism, ADHD, various cancers, autoimmune diseases and others.


Dr. Charles Chapple - AutismOne Conference 2008

Rob Sidell and the audience visit with a well recognized clinician and the father of a boy on the spectrum.
Dr. Chapple the sensory cravings of ASD kids and how rocking, banging and spinning are related to the development of their reflexes. He walks us through the developmental process by defining the primitive, the postural and the cognative reflexes.

Dr. Charles Chapple - AutismOne Conference 2010

Rob Sidell and the audience take a unique opportunity to interview an expert clinician and the father of Sean, a seven year old boy on the spectrum.
Dr. Chapple emphasizes that "motor drives sensory and sensory drives the brain". Chiropractic and cranial/sacral therapy address the "motor and reflex" symptomology in ASD. Dr. Chapple explains Cranial/Sacral therapy and how it can help with many ASD issues. He comments on the semetric tonic reflex and how some kids crave the weightless environment of the pool or bath.