Autism Breakthrough: The Groundbreaking Method That Has Helped Families All Over the World

With humor and inspiration, Raun K. Kaufman and Kim Korpady will provide innovative, outside-the-box techniques - from Raun's new book, Autism Breakthrough - that you can use today to help your child: move beyond stimming (without you stopping or discouraging your child’s behavior), learn new skills (without you having to push or pressure), and, most especially, to form meaningful, caring relationships with others. Raun will also recount his own story of full recovery from severe autism.

Raun K. Kaufman, BA, Biomedical Ethics, Brown University

Raun K. Kaufman is the author of the new book, Autism Breakthrough. As the Director of Global Education for the Autism Treatment Center of America®, Kaufman conducts lectures and seminars worldwide and was the recipient of the Best Presenter award at the national Autism One conference, given to the winner of a nationwide survey. In his work with families and professionals over the past 15 years, Kaufman brings his distinctive history as a person fully recovered from severe autism.

Kim Korpady, BA, Early Childhood Development, Sweet Briar College

Kim Korpady has worked with hundreds of children on the autism spectrum from around the world, across all age ranges and skill levels. With her extensive Son-Rise Program® training and her degree in Early Childhood Development, she brings a great depth of skill and experience to the families with whom she works. She has lectured throughout the U.S., where attendees especially appreciate her warmth, sincerity, playfulness, and ability to make concepts and techniques easily understood.