Autism One / Generation Rescue 2010 Conference, May 24-30, Chicago, Illinois

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GENERATION RESCUE autism is reversible
Chicago 2010 Conference Monday, May 24 – Sunday, May 30
MAY 24-30, 2010
chicago, Illinois
In order to find effective solutions, you need to correctly define the problem. Mainstream medicine hasn’t accurately identified the problems underlying an autism diagnosis. The doctors, researchers, and therapists at the Autism One/Generation Rescue conference correctly define the problem. That way, they can help you, your child, and your family find the solutions.
The most comprehensive autism conference internationally, the Autism One/Generation Rescue conference gives you choices from content areas such as: l l l l l biomedical research and treatments educational, behavioral, communication, and adjunct therapies complementary alternative medicine government, legal, and personal issues and advocacy adolescent, adult, and Asperger’s issues special features for 2010 include: l l l l l l prediction/prevention track expanded seizures presentation track expanded pANDAs coverage environmental issues & chronic diseases symposium expanded advocacy track & training student scholars for Autism program
Choose from among 140+ speakers including: Daniel Barth, phD Ken Bock, MD Britt collins, Ms, OTR/L sydney Finegold, MD Jay Gordon, MD Louise Kuo Habakus, HHp Martha Herbert, MD, phD Laura Hewitson, phD Harumi Jyonuchi, MD Jerry Kartzinel, MD Brian King, LcsW Miroslav Kovacevic, MD susan Kratz, OTR, csT M. elizabeth Latimer, MD Jeffrey Lewine, phD Roy Leonardi, edD valerie Maclean Beth Alison Maloney Woody McGinnis, MD Nancy Mullan, MD Narasimham parinandi, phD William parker, phD Alexander Rotenberg, MD, phD Kendal stewart, MD Kyle van Dyke, MD Anju Usman, MD Andrew Wakefield, MD William Walsh, phD Amy Yasko, phD savely Yurkovsky, MD
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Hi Tara,

Is the speaker list for 2010 closed? Who would I contact if I wanted to be considered as a speaker at a future conference? I am interested in opening a retreat house for parents of children with autism, a place where they can come and rest and be taken care of for a few days at a time, and get access to the ideas that I've learned from being trained as a life coach that have helped me negotiate life with a child with autism. You can contact me at, or I'll check back here.