Berard Auditory Integration Training: Behavior Changes Related to Sensory Modulation

Behaviors specifically related to sensory modulation show positive changes following 10 days of Berard AIT as reported in a recent peer-reviewed research paper. A study of 54 children ages 3-10 with disabilities, indicates an association between the Berard protocol and improvement in behaviors measured by the ABC and in sensory modulation measured by the SSP. Since the program was only 10 days long, results show that Berard AIT is a time efficient and cost effective program.

Sally Brockett, MS, MS

Sally Brockett, MS., Director, IDEA Training and Consultation Center. One of the foremost Berard AIT experts, Sally is actively involved in the training of practitioners and instructors, research, and application of the method. Co-author of the 2011 edition of Hearing Equals Behavior: Updated and Expanded, with Dr. Berard, she has also written numerous book chapters and articles in autism related digests. Sally advocates for healthy options to address physiological and sensory dysfunctions.