Bugs and Behavior: Lyme, parasites and chronic infection in autism spectrum disorders

This will be an exploration into the world of microbes and their effect on human behavior. It will include a review of the evolution of PANDAS and PITANDs, to PANS and the role of microorganisms from Group A Streptococcus and Candida to parasites and Borrelia burgdorferi (Lyme disease) in spectrum disorders. Laboratory testing and clinical identification of these microbes will be explored. Treatment options will be discussed, including the use of long-term antimicrobials.

Sonja Hintz, BSN, RN

Sonja Hintz is a registered nurse, the mother of an 18-year-old son, Alexander, who no longer has autism. With Alex’s diagnosis of ASD 15 years ago, she was compelled to reevaluate her beliefs and knowledge in traditional medicine. Through the use of therapeutic diet and biomedical treatments, Alex has made a recovery. Sonja currently works at Serenity Health Care Center. She and her son authored a chapter in the book Vaccine Epidemic.

Gregory L. Brown, MD, MD

Gregory L. Brown, MD, is the medical director for Serenity Health Care Center. He is a board certified internist who has been in practice since 1988, with extensive experience in internal and emergency medicine. Since 2006, he has focused on the integrative medical treatment of ASD, ADD, and ADHD, as well as the many immune, infectious, gastrointestinal, and systemic problems faced by these individuals.He also treats chronic infectious disease, particularly chronic Lyme disease.