CME Program: Treatment of ASD: Where to begin and how to move forward

As an established physician, the CME Program student is familiar with the systems of the human body. However, how do we define “autism,” and what bearing does this have upon the physician’s perspective toward therapy? What bodily systems and pathologies are primarily involved, and how do we remediate these to enhance health and function and with what order of operations?

John Hicks, MD, will provide a broad survey of systems and symptoms, with emphasis on an insightful patient history, thoughtful assessment, and objective laboratory testing to guide the physician in an individualized treatment plan. Emphasis will also be placed on the use of less aggressive therapies as appropriate in a more sensitive patient population. Questions and discussion will be encouraged.

Learning Objectives:
The student will receive practical information that can be implemented in practice on:
• Taking a history/assessment
• Symptoms and development
• Therapeutic and nutritional diet
• Foundational physiological problems
• Objective laboratory testing for the immune system, GI tract, and more
• Treatments
• Therapies
• Appropriate follow-up

Dr. John Hicks, MD

For over thirty five years, Dr. John Hicks has dedicated himself to the art and science of integrated holistic medicine. Using a cooperative medical, nutritional, emotional and energetic approach, Dr. Hicks develops a customized wellness plan for each patient.