CranioSacral Therapy & Autism

This presentation will cover CranioSacral Therapy. (CST) What is CST; its history, how it influences the central nervous system, how its facilitated and it implications for autism.
The presenter will provide insight from over 10 years professional experience facilitating CST for individuals on the autism spectrum and personal insight, her daughters journey using CST to help achieve functioning recovery.

Tami A. Goldstein, WLMT, CST

Tami A. Goldstein is certified in CranioSacral Therapy (CST) through the Upledger Institute International, state and nationally certified in Therapeutic Massage and bodywork, certified as a CST Presenter and certified as a Share Care Provider.
She is an international award winning author of Coming Through the Fog, an autism recovery story and a contributing author in the 2014 Edition of Cutting Edge Therapy & Treatment for Autism.
Tami is a state and national speaker and advocate on autism, CST and SPD.Tami is the creator and facilitator of a nationally recognized continuing education course through the NCBTMB (National Certification Board Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork) titled Massage, Bodywork & Autism. She is the Community Resource liaison for the SPD Parent Connections Support Group.
Tami currently has 2 offices where she facilitates CST to individuals on the autism spectrum and resides in Wisconsin with her husband, children and grandchild.