Fetal Therapy for Down Syndrome: Report of several cases and review of Literature

A method is proposed to enhance brain development before and after birth. Several cases of Fetal Down syndrome are discussed. The literature of Trisomic mouse models of Down syndrome is reviewed.

Paddy Jim Baggot MD, Bd Cert OB/GYN, Bd Cert Medical Genetics

Dr. Baggot is a OB/GYN and medical geneticist in Los Angeles CA. His area of Research has involved fetuses with Down syndrome.

Andi Durkin

Andi is president of Down Syndrome OPTIONs, creator of the blog, Down Syndrome: A Day to Day Guide, advocate, parent to thriving child with Down syndrome. She is a writer and artist with a background in marketing and communication in both the corporate and nonprofit environment and is dedicated to educating interested parties about options for those with T21.