Gastrointestinal Pathology in Autism Spectrum Disorders: The Venezuelan Experience

Physical symptoms in ASD children are often misinterpreted as just autistic behaviors. In our experience, symptoms of what turns out to be GI distress often present as inexplicable irritability, aggressive or auto-aggressive (self-injurious) behaviors, discomfort, sleep disorders, and other behavioral disturbances.

Lenny G. González Chávez, MD

Lenny González MD, Pediatric Gastroenterologist, is a member of the staff of SOVENIA (Venezuelan Society of Autistic Children). She specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of GI pathology in autistic children and development delays. She has been involved in research in collaboration with Dr. Andrew Wakefield and Dr. Arthur Krigsman, investigating the histological findings of gastrointestinal mucosa of these patients.