How Close Are We To An Autism Cure? Part 1

Dr. Bradstreet has been involved in autism related treatment and clinical research for nearly 2 decades. During that time, the theory of a genetic cause of autism has continued to decline, while the emergence of the “environment-gene” interaction theory of autism has gained in favor among scientists and parents. Clearly, autism is one of the most complex of all human disorders and challenges our understanding of the gut ecosystem, the immune pathways in the gut and the brain, and, ultimately, the regulation of brain physics. As complex as all that is, pathways for healing have emerged and more and more children are experiencing dramatic improvements – some to the extent that everyone would consider them “cured”. This course will present the foundations of healing and serves as the introduction to next presentation.

James Jeffrey Bradstreet, MD

Dr. Bradstreet received undergrad and medical degrees from University of South Florida. His residency training was at Wilford Hall USAF Medical Center, with training at Brooks School of Aerospace Medicine and Randolph AFB. He is an adjunct professor and faculty for Autism Collaboration & Education at Western U in CA and a visiting professor at Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine. He is extensively published on biomedical issues of autism and was PI of two landmark studies: 1) involving a new methodology to view the brain with ultrasound, and 2) a double-blind study of the use of transcranial magnetic stimulation using a method known as MRT, for the treatment of autism -- both registered with Phase one of the ultrasound study was recently published in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, and the MRT study completed in June of 2014. He is director of the Brain Treatment Center of Atlanta and is licensed in Georgia, Florida, California and Arizona.