Inspirational Homeopathy - a Heart Centered Approach to Healing the Deepest Levels of ASD

On September 20, 2012, 10:03 pm

AO/GR 2012 Conference. Angelica Lemke , ND, CCH Pierre Fontaine, RSHom, CCH.

Presentation     Abstract/Bios      Website

Stories of homeopathic healing that address not only the physical body, but the mental, emotional and spiritual bodies of the child. We will discuss how a ‘constitutional’ and an ‘isopathic’ homeopathic approach can be used together. Our guide is not a set protocol, but understanding the child using a parent’s intuition of how how they feel deeply on the inside and a greater understanding of the ‘larger’ story – piecing together patterns of a parent’s life experiences and a child’s behavior.

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