Press the Flesh: Learn Big Truths


Featured Advocacy Reception:

Thursday, May 26, 2010
7:00 PM, Presidential Suite

The Age of Autism

From our colleagues who bring you the daily web newspaper Age of Autism and additionally who have written the magnificently well-reasoned book The Age of Autism: Mercury, Medicine, a Man-Made Epidemic, authors Mark Blaxill and Dan Olmsted, and best-selling author of I’m No Mother Teresa, Kim Stagliano will be on hand for a reception highlighting autism advocacy: “Press the Flesh – Learn Big Truths.”

Among other crucial goals, the advocacy track at the conference strives to capture, focus, and foster positive change based on the emerging science that vaccine components have played a role in the autism epidemic. Almost 50 percent of Americans now believe there is a connection, but those in positions of authority deny any possible link and refuse to undertake any investigation that could prove embarrassing to the status quo.

This regrettable position prevents the medical community from treating autism as a biomedical, environmentally-induced condition, underfunds research efforts, marginalizes vaccine safety, and jeopardizes the vaccine program.

Please join us as we meet in the Presidential Suite beginning at 7 pm for big ideas, big plans, big truths and refreshments.