Toxicity, Stress, and Neurodevelopment – How you can pick up the pieces starting today

Dr. Amy Spoelstra will identify how toxicity and stress have an impact on the developing brain and nervous system. She will bring to light how subluxation and poor gut health create “roadblocks” in proper development which leads to delayed visual dominance and deflected learning and behavioral patterns. Dr. Amy will share the techniques of the FOCUS program that successfully remove “roadblocks” and encourage visual dominance. Everyone will walk away with activities and specific action steps.

Amy Spoelstra, Doctor of Chiropractic

Dr. Amy Spoelstra is a pediatric Chiropractor practicing in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. In collaboration with her father Dr. Steven Ingersoll, a Developmental Optometrist from Michigan, she created the FOCUS program that addresses the needs of children and adults with neurodevelopmental disorders. FOCUS incorporates Integrated Visual Learning (IVL) with movement based techniques, nutrition, and chiropractic to improve underlying function in children and adults with neurodevelopmental disorders.