Understanding and Maximizing Your Child's True Potential

Many variables contribute to effective treatment. Best results are often found when treatment is interdisciplinary and the child's medical, sensory and behavioral needs are met.

This presentation provides a step by step guide that enables the parent to:
1. identify the underlying medical status, sensory disruptions and behavioral needs of their child
2. evaluate the quality of the intervention, its day to day objectives and long term goals
3. gain insight into the child's progress, thereby maximizing the potential for best outcome

All presentation attendees will receive FREE access to SKILLS, the Center for Autism and Related Disorder's online assessment, curriculum and training program.


Doreen Granpeesheh , PhD, BCBA-D

Dr. Doreen Granpeesheh is the Founder and Executive Director of the Center for Autism and Related Disorders (CARD), Founder of the Institute for Behavioral Training (IBT), and the President of the Board of Autism Care and Treatment Today (ACT Today). Dr. Granpeesheh received her Ph.D. in Psychology from UCLA and is licensed by the Medical Board of California and the Texas, Virginia and Arizona State Boards of Psychologists. Dr. Granpeesheh holds a Certificate of Professional Qualification in Psychology from the Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards, is a Board Certified Behavior Analyst and has been providing behavioral therapy for children with autism since 1979.