Understanding the Medicaid's EPSDT Mandate

Participants will learn about Medicaid's EPSDT mandate, applicable in all 50 states as a funding stream for the treatment of children with disabilities, including Autism spectrum disorders. It is available regardless of family income in at least 36 states. Medicaid's EPSDT mandate is "the greatest treatment funding secret ever concealed." Access to it by any disabled child (up to the age of 21) who is enrolled in Medicaid is a Civil Right conveyed by the Social Security Act since 1989.

Steven Kossor, MA

The founder and executive director the Institute for Behavior Change, licensed psychologist and certified school psychologist Steven Kossor, has been recognized by the US Congress, both houses of the Pennsylvania Legislature, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, and by the President's New Freedom Commission on Mental Health for his visionary leadership in the creation of a successful community-based treatment model for children with serious mental illness symptoms.