Understanding Why Biomedical and Behavioral Therapies Should be Implemented Together as a Treatment Approach for Autism

Behavioral and biomedical approaches have been used individually for treating children with autism. However, optimization and best possible outcomes can achieved when these two approaches are implemented together. If indicated, biomedical interventions should be utilized concurrently with behavioral therapies in an attempt to stabilize a child's medical conditions and achieve an overall improved state of health. By doing so, a healthier, happier child will be more responsive to therapy.

Lauren Underwood, PhD, PhD

Dr. Lauren Underwood received her PhD in biology from Tulane University and was awarded an NIH Post-Doctoral Fellowship. She is employed by CSC as a scientist contractor to NASA. Dr. Underwood is the parent of a child recovering from autism, an AutismOne mentor, a CARD IRB Board member, and scientific advisor for the IHA. She has co-authored several chapters in the book, Understanding Autism for Dummies, and is the Scientific Editor for Autism Science Digest, The Journal of AutismOne.