Vaccine Safety Gaps: What You Ought to Know

Because vaccine manufacturers enjoy significant legal liability protection the number of mandated childhood vaccines has drastically increased since 1986. There is growing evidence that vaccines are neither safe nor effective, and the harms outweigh the benefits of vaccination. Current vaccine policymaking affords vaccine manufacturers massive, guaranteed financial profits while compromising vaccine safety and restricting the rights to vaccine injury compensation.

There is credible evidence the significant influence of vaccine manufacturers in all areas of vaccine policymaking leave little choice for parents and forces them to participate unwillingly or unknowingly in a dangerous and fraudulent financial scheme. Based on the evidence, vaccine manufacturers have masterminded this scam to force children to bear the risk of receiving dangerous vaccines. Since vaccine manufacturers are virtually insulated from legal liability vaccine-injured children are left with minimal or no legal redress. There is growing evidence that vaccines have been knowingly damaging children for generations due to corruption, fraud and malfeasance.

Susan Lee, J.D.

Susan Lee is a legal advocate for vaccine-injured children and their families. She assisted with an amicus brief to the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit in Carson v. Secretary of Health and Human Services. She is the author of "Sacrificing Children's Safety for Vaccine Supply: Nonexistent Safeguards for Remedying Mandatory Defectively Designed Vaccines."