Why Are So Many Children Sick?

Mark Blaxill, Jennifer Larson and Ginger Taylor of the Canary Party will be discussing the increasingly quick decline of children's health in the United States and the role that government and corporate corruption is playing. Come learn what you can do to protect yourself and your family, and how you can fight back.

Mark Blaxill, MBA

Mark Blaxill is the father of a daughter diagnosed with autism, Chairman and co-founder of the Canary Party, editor at large for Age of Autism, a director of SafeMinds and a frequent speaker at autism conferences. He has authored a number of scientific publications on autism. He received a bachelor’s degree summa cum laude from the Woodrow Wilson School of Public/International Affairs at Princeton University and an MBA with distinction from Harvard Business School. He co-authored a book with Dan Olmsted, The Age of Autism: Mercury, Medicine and a Man-made Epidemic (Thomas Dunne, 2010).

Ginger Taylor, MS

Ginger Taylor is an author, speaker, new media writer and activist. She blogs on the politics of autism, health, vaccination, informed consent and both corporate and government corruption. Ginger is a former Marriage and Family Therapist specializing in adolescent and family therapy and holds a Masters degree in Clinical Counseling from Johns Hopkins University. She is a co-author and contributing editor of the recently published book Vaccine Epidemic.

Jennifer Larson

Jennifer Larson is the mother of a 10-year-old with regressive autism. She has degrees in marketing, psychology and speech communication and is the owner and CEO of Vibrant Technologies and of St. Croix Solutions. She is also the owner, founder and CEO of the Holland Autism Center and Clinic, the Founding Board Chair of Children with Autism Deserve Education (CADE), a co-founder of the Vaccine Safety Council of Minnesota, and a member of the Minnesota Autism Advocacy Coalition.

Injecting Sense

The first installment of Injecting Sense features an interview with Dan Olmsted and Mark Blaxill, authors of The Age of Autism: Mercury, Medicine, and a Man-Made Epidemic.

The First Dads of Autism: Life Lessons and Early Patterns from the Leo Kanner’s First 11 Fathers

Interesting patterns of father’s experiences in autism were set at the outset of the Age of Autism and have included abandonment, avoidance, anger and advocacy. Taking a historical perspective on the first fathers of the autism epidemic, this discussion will reflect on the lessons for the fathers in the epidemic period of autism.

Mark Blaxill, MBA

Mark Blaxill is the father of a daughter diagnosed with autism, Chairman and co-founder of the Canary Party, editor at large for Age of Autism, a director of SafeMinds and a frequent speaker at autism conferences. He has authored a number of scientific publications on autism. He received a bachelor’s degree summa cum laude from the Woodrow Wilson School of Public/International Affairs at Princeton University and an MBA with distinction from Harvard Business School. He co-authored a book with Dan Olmsted, The Age of Autism: Mercury, Medicine and a Man-made Epidemic (Thomas Dunne, 2010).

Autism and the Environment Protecting our Children

Power Point Presentation By: Norm Schwartz, MD

There is accumulating evidence that links autism spectrum disorders to environmental toxins as well as the limitations in eliminating environmental toxins. Environmental exposures appear to be the most likely cause for the increase in autism spectrum disorders. In this presentation we will review the scope of the problem and identify what can be done, including minimizing exposures, supporting detoxification pathways, medical treatments, and preparing for pregnancy.

The Doctor is IN - Issue 30 2009

The Doctor is IN - Issue 30 2009
(c) 2009 The Autism File

From Preconception to Infancy: Environmental and Nutritional Strategies for Lowering the Risk of Autism by David Berger, MD,FAAP

From Preconception to Infancy: Environmental and Nutritional Strategies for Lowering the Risk of Autism by David Berger, MD, FAAP
(c) 2012 Autism Science Digest

Results of DMSA Treatment Study

Determine if DMSA/glutathione therapy helps children with autism.

Chemoprotection through Nrf2 upregulation - if all paths lead here, why do we still fail?


Christopher Shade, PhD

Dr. Shade holds a master's degree in environmental and aqueous chemistry. He earned a PhD from the University of Illinois, where he studied the environmental and analytical chemistries of mercury as well as advanced aquatic chemistry. Dr. Shade patented analytical technology for mercury speciation analysis and later founded Quicksilver Scientific, LLC. Shortly after this, Dr. Shade turned his focus to the human aspects of mercury exposure/toxicity and the human detoxification system. He has since developed specific clinical analytical techniques for measuring mercury exposure and a system of products to remove metallic and organic toxins by upregulation of innate detoxification biochemistry. His current focus is at the intersection of neuroinflammatory issues, immune dysregulation, toxicity, and infection - specifically how to peel away the layers of overlapping dysfunction until you get to a point at which the system rights itself.

Raise Your Voice: The Politics of Autism

Power Point Presentation.

This session will provide strategies to become an effective political advocate for families
affected by autism. It will include step-by-step instructions on contacting legislators,
with staff members, setting appointments, meeting preparation, making
your meetings as productive as possible and how best to follow up on your requests.
It will also include information on pending legislation needing the support of our
and ways attendees can participate in guiding the direction of federally
funded research.

To Vaccinate Your Teenage Girl, Teenage Boy, Yourself ...Or not?

To Vaccinate Your Teenage Girl, Teenage Boy, Yourself ...Or not?

As soon as a teenage girl walks into her pediatrician’s office, he will suggest another vaccination, to be delivered through a series of shots spaced out over six months. This time the vaccine is Gardasil, intended to protect her from being infected by the human papilloma virus, HPV, which might cause cervical cancer later in life.

On balance, is this series of vaccinations a good idea? Is it safe? Is it worth the possible side effects?