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Linderman Live interview with nick vorres 07-17-09

Nick Vorres debuts his audio autism documentary on this edition of Linderman Live!

Reversing Autism: Connecting the pieces with the latest research on BT, Hg, Octopamine, Succinic acid, B12, Leptu and BIRM.

Power Point Presentation By: Andrea Lalama

My motivation is the empathy I feel for all the mothers and fathers of autistic children around the world, which led me to create my own website and support group. I also travel internationally to meet families and help them flesh out an effective, holistic treatment plan. I have also created the non-profit foundation “REVERSING AUTISM” to support me in my future research for everyone's benefit .

Autism the Brain,Thinking and Behavior Executive Function

Power Point Presentation By: Mary Jo Lang, Ph.D., A.B.P.N.
Course Objectives
Part I
Understanding the Body, the Brain and the Environment as a System
Understanding How the Brain Works
Identify Factors which Influence the Brain, Thinking and Behavior (intro to framework)
Part II
Explore Brain Behavior with Regard to Attention, Memory, Language, Visual-Spatial Functioning, Executive Function and Emotional Functioning
Part III
Examine a Framework within which Individuals with Autism can Maintain Maximum Independence and Quality of

Vegetarian/Vegan Lifestyle: Help Please

I am an active 78-year young guy with the very good fortune of being in excellent health. For my entire life I've been a meat eater--nothing like a good steak. Most recently I've been doing considerable reading about nutrician, in particular about plant-based diet vs animal-based diet. I've reached the conclusion that the best way to prolong my active life style is by moving to a vegetarian diet, or even to vegan, I would be grateful for comments from others. For instance, is there any great advantage to vegan over vegetarian? Are there dangers for someone my age to make such a shift?

We CAN change the state of our children's health - by Deirdre Imus

We CAN change the state of our children's health - by Deirdre Imus
Copyright (c) 2009 The Autism File

When the School Bus Stops Coming: the dilemma for adults with autism

Power Point Presentation By: Dr. David L. Holmes.
What can we do to ensure that the future is brighter for adults with autism? Providers are struggling to meet a rising need for day programs, out-of-home residential placements, and in-home support services.

Creating Balance through the Law of Attraction

Power Point Presentation By: John Hicks, MD, Betsy Hicks

Overview, statements taken from this power point:
Anything I can imagine being, doing or having-I can be, do or have.
There is an abundance of everything shortage is only a perception.
Manifesting Our Desires
My future is not about my past life is only about NOW

Enzymes What You Should Know, GI Function, and Autism

Power Point Presentation By: Devin Houston
A slide taken from this power point,

How do enzymes help?
Break down proteins differently, more thoroughly
Prevent production of exorphin peptides
Requires optimal blend of protease and peptidase enzymes
Function in stomach, no peptide absorption occurs
Modify polyphenolic compounds
May mimic enzymes produced by probiotics?
Break down carbohydrates
Modify effect of stomach/pancreatic enzymes

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