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Power Point Presentation By: Ved Chauhan
Head, Cellular Neurochemistry Laboratory.

Effects of Oxidated Stress
• Increased lipid peroxidation
• Cell membrane damages
• Alterations in membrane fluidity and permeability
• Oxidative changes in proteins
• Cytotoxicity
• Damage to mitochondrial and nuclear DNA
• Enzyme modification
• Cell death

Freedoms Taken for Granted.Voices lost. "My Name is...Autism"

The words echo in my brain every minute of everyday. Laying on the couch facing my sons room in the morning 7 years ago. It was a bright warm sunny day with sun streaming in from the large pane window facing East. My son bursts into the room running into my arms. Saying loudly, proudly, and with a smile. While looking me in the eyes, "My name is Tanner. My name is Tanner." That was the last sentence we heard after his vaccinations. He lost his dreams, ability to play, socialize, eat, and sense of world. The name tag now reads... "My Name is.... Autism"

Subclinical epileptiform discharges in atypical cognitive development and a Review of Antiepileptic Drugs

Power Point Presentation By: Richard E. Frye, M.D., Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics and Neurology
University of Texas Health Science Center,

Subject Population
22 children

1 - Atypical cognitive development
2 - Subclinical epileptiform discharges on EEG
3 - Two or more EEG Studies.

4- Toxicity / Side Effects of Newer an Classical Antiepileptic Drugs

IEP Strategies Navigating School Meetings

Power Point Presentation By: Laura Corby
What does IDEA Provide:
School-based Services
Ages 3 – 22 years
Focusing on Educational Outcomes

The Davis Model of Sound Intervention Combining Sound and Science for Positive Change

Power Point Presentation By: Dorinne Davis, MA, CCC-A, FAAA, RCTC, BARA
The Davis Model of Sound Intervention uses the power of sound to enhance the Voice-Ear-Brain Connection to make positive changes in learning, development, and wellness with specific sound-based therapies

Reaching Sensory Processing Disorders: Working to Benefit ADD/ADHD to Autism through Structure and Function

This Power Point Presentation introduces the importance of the nervous system with its biomechanical relationships to the spine and cranium, and the noninvasive approaches of Chiropractic and Craniosacral therapy for the benefit of individuals struggling with sensory processing concerns and retained primitive reflexes.
Presentation By: Charles W.Chapple

Sensory Integration Problems in Autism

Power Point Presentation By: Manual F. Casanova
In an interview with Temple Grandin (2008) when asked where the federal government should spend their research money, she answered: “…I would spend it on…really figuring out what causes all the sensory problems. I realize it’s not the core deficit in autism, but it something that makes it extremely difficult for persons with autism to function.”

A Parent’s Survival Guide to Biomedical Therapies in ASD

A Power Point Presentation by: Gregory Brown
Getting Started
A. Read, read, read
1. Books
2. Websites
3. Listed in this presentation everything a parent would like to know about surviving on the road to recovery!

A Father’s Love

A Power Point Presentation
: Where There is LOVE
There are MIRACLES


Power Point Presentation
Intellectuals witness and report invisible violence

Intellectuals enable invisible violence by disabling moral cognition

The human toll of invisible violence is rising and needs witnesses

Invisible violence is not a puzzle or a mystery, it demands moral cognition

Autism awareness is not enough, it’s time for moral choice and action

All of us, especially intellectuals, must speak up to end the invisible violence