Current State of Autism Biomedical Research

This presentation will summarize some of the recent advances in the biochemical understanding of autism and biomedical treatments for it. Topics include sulfation, oxidative stress, mitochondrial function, intestinal permeability, and more.

James B. Adams, PhD, PhD

Prof. Adams research is focused on the biomedical causes of autism and how to treat them. His research includes nutritional status (vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, amino acids), metabolic status (methylation, glutathione, sulfation, oxidative stress, neurotransmitters), toxic metals/chelation, and gastrointestinal bacteria.

Important Keys to Recovery

There are many critical elements in an ASD child’s treatment program that are needed to ensure the most successful outcome possible. Lori will discuss the unique combination of therapies that contributed to her son’s recovery including ABA, diet, chelation, supplements, and ionic footbaths. She will also describe how she improved her son’s social, play and cognitive skills through frequent and repetitive therapeutic interactions that parents and caregivers can implement themselves.

Lori Knowles-Jimenez, BA

Lori Knowles-Jimenez is a mother of a recovered child with autism and co-founder and director of New Beginnings Nutritionals, a company that provides high quality supplements designed for individuals with autism. As an international speaker, Lori enjoys drawing from both her extensive research, professional, and personal experience in recovering her own child to support parents and practitioners seeking answers to improve the lives of children affected with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs).

Current State of Autism Research

This talk will focus on research results that relate to both the causes of autism and how to treat it biomedically.

Nonverbal Child To Talk Again??

How do you get a nonverbal child with autism to talk again?? I have tried almost everything!! My daughter is going on 9, and still not one word?? I have tried chelation, GFCF, biomed, mb-12, supplements etc... etc... Nothing?? Some people tell me stem cells works miracles?? Is this true?? I think you need to find something very strong to undo what they have done to my daughter. Mercury is the second most toxic substance on earth!! How can you fight that with biomed or anything else for that matter?? It like trying to fight a wildfire with a garden hose.

Surviving Biomedical Therapies without Breaking the Bank

Juggling diets, supplements, IV treatments, IVIG, educational therapies and the rest of life is taxing under the best of circumstances and particularly difficult on a budget. Dr. Brown will provide tips and approaches for choosing which battles to fight and which can be postponed. He will also take a look at those biomedical interventions that can be started before you meet with a practitioner, how to initiate them safely and effectively and how to make the most of your therapy dollar.

Gregory L. Brown, MD, MD

Gregory L. Brown MD is a Board Certified Internist with 18 years experience in Emergency Medicine. He has received Practitioner and Advanced Practitioner training from “Defeat Autism Now” as well as ACAM instruction and certification in chelation therapy and certification in hyperbaric medicine from UHMS. He currently serves as Medical Director of the ARCH Medical Center in Franklin, Wisconsin, a practice dedicated to the medical treatment of children with autism spectrum disorders.

Rivera: Kerri Rivera

Esta serie esta enfocada en intervenciones biomedicas intencionadas para la recuperacion del autismo. Temas tales como dieta, suplementos, terapia ABA, quelacion intravenosa y camara hiperbarica. Las entrevistas se realizaran a personas que actualmente trabajan con ninos con autismo. Los programas seran en espanol.

Episode #4 - Heavy Metals

Dr. Stewart and Lisa discuss Heavy Metals, Heavy Metal Burden in the body, Chelation and answer questions from listeners. As always you can submit your questions for next months Podcast by sending them to

Novel Methods for Treating Seizures in Autism

We investigated two treatments for treating seizures in autism. The first treatment involved a combination of high-dose vitamin B6, magnesium, and r-lipoic acid. This study found a 75% reduction in seizure frequency. The second treatment included the addition of carnitine; the result was a substantial reduction in duration of each seizure event. No side-effects were observed. Overall, this preliminary study suggests that these treatments are safe and beneficial in treating seizures.

James B. Adams, PhD, PhD

Prof. Adams research is focused on the biomedical causes of autism and how to treat them. His research includes nutritional status (vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, amino acids), metabolic status (methylation, glutathione, sulfation, oxidative stress, neurotransmitters), toxic metals/chelation, and gastrointestinal bacteria.

Tapan Audhya, PhD

Tapan Audhya is reseach professor at New York University Medical School, and director of research and development at Health Diagnostics and Research Institute. He has conducted many evaluation and treatment studies related to autism.

Surviving Biomedical Therapies without Breaking the Bank

Juggling diets, supplements, IV treatments, IVIG, educational therapies and the rest of life is taxing under the best of circumstances and particularly difficult on a budget. Dr. Brown will provide tips and approaches for choosing which battles to fight and which can be postponed, as well as tips for recognizing which battles are bigger than the both of you and will require experienced assistance.

Gregory L. Brown, MD, MD

regory L. Brown MD is a Board Certified Internist with 18 years experience in Emergency Medicine. He has received Practitioner and Advanced Practitioner training from “Defeat Autism Now” as well as ACAM instruction and certification in chelation therapy and certification in hyperbaric medicine from UHMS. He currently serves as Medical Director of the ARCH Medical Center in Franklin, Wisconsin, a practice dedicated to the medical treatment of children with autism spectrum disorders.

Sonja Hintz, RN

Is a registered nurse and the mother of a seventeen-year-old son, Alexander, who no longer has autism. Through the use of therapeutic dietary intervention, biomedical treatments and other therapies, Alex has made a recovery. Sonja currently provides biomedical treatments at Serenity Health Care Center in Waukesha, WI. Sonja and Alex are also coauthors of a chapter in Vaccine Epidemic. She has been using functional medicine to improve the lives of her patients for 15 years

Biomedical Treatments for Autism ...

Fundamental basic medical sciences (what many can perceive to be pretty complex concepts) will be introduced and explained in way that anyone can understand.