
Propaganda for the Concerned Parent

I have just recently read an informative article from The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHoP) that reminds me of not only how ignorant I used to be regarding the inherent dangers of vaccines but also how devious and disingenuous doctors today can be in selling their pharmaceutical masters wares. The title of the article is Q A Aluminum in Vaccines: What you should know
The article has many points that would make sense to the average concerned parent or expectant mother. this is what is so damned infuriating. The article starts out with the broad statement: “Some parents are concerned that aluminum in vaccines might be harmful to babies. However, healthy babies quickly eliminate aluminum from their bodies without harmful effects”. I really didn’t need to go further into the article than this first statement to make my point.
To the average parent, this should be very reassuring. However, my opinion of these types of doctors allows me to look for the hidden truth. The key to this statement is that “healthy” babies may be equipped to “quickly eliminate aluminum” but at what point in the history of mankind can the case be made that all babies are born healthy?
CHoP, the American Academy of Pediatrics, CDC and others of their ilk are all supporters of the ECBT (Every Child by Two) campaign. Now, by the very title of this pathetic organization, whose spokes persons are the B actress Amanda Peet, former First Lady Roselyn Carter and our favorite (pardon the sarcasm) Dr. Paul Offit, they aim to ensure that EVERY child is fully immunized by the age of two. With this broad and misleading statement above that clearly shows that they believe every healthy child can quickly eliminate aluminum, they are clearly (at least to me) stating that the un-healthy, preemies and those subsets of children that seem to be incapable of eliminating metals such as aluminum from the body, are acceptable collateral damage.
Pardon me for being incredibly put off by this. I would prefer that my child grows up healthy and makes the informed decision to become a martyr at the time of his own choosing. This article also states that aluminum is found in the water we drink, the air we breathe and the food we eat. I must admit, the last time I shot up a hot dog at the ball park, I was quite cognizant of the fact that there may just be aluminum in the dog. But being the rebel I am, I just decided to say “the hell with it...I’m gonna live on the edge today”.
Aluminum in food, water and air, though still most definitely not good, is broken down through the normal immune defenses as God intended it to be. The digestive tract is, for the most part, quite adept at performing this job (in healthy individuals). Injecting aluminum directly through the skin and into the blood stream is another thing altogether and they know this! While the authors of this article also seem to claim that aluminum is perfectly safe by default, they also tell the reader what vaccines contain aluminum and which don’t.
The authors state that aluminum containing vaccines are Hep A, Hep B, DTaP, HiB and Pneumococcus. The ones that don’t contain aluminum are: MMR, Chicken Pox and Rotavirus vaccines. Now for the lay person that isn’t up to their eyeballs in vaccine studies, this wouldn’t seem to make a difference. But then, that’s why I’m here. The non aluminum containing vaccines are live virus vaccines. Why is this significant? Aluminum and other heavy metals in the vaccines KILL living things. Not just living viruses but brain tissue as well.
The authors also claim that a typical adult will accumulate about 50 to 100 milligrams of aluminum, almost all from food. Unfortunately this is probably data from a study decades ago, long before they began to suggest a yearly flu vaccine for every single person in America (2 per year in you’re an infant)! Amazingly enough, the flu shot was left out of the aluminum containing vaccines that the authors spoke about above. I’m sure that was just a coincidence.
Suffice it to say, while being disingenuous to say the least in this latest propaganda that would shame Lenin himself, I guess we can be at ease that at least more parents are rushing their kids off to the pediatricians office with a little less anxiety.