
Liberal, Conservative, Independent, Democrat, Republicans & World Citizens In Autism We are a Family.

I have not really revealed my political position in the past or had a discussion in depth here. I generally feel that Politics are better left alone. My political aspirations have long been left in the dust when during a campaign speech for a fraternity executive council speech I informed the constituents that I would like to "bury the hatchet" That was ok but I went on to say... "Probably not in my opponents back"

I was raised by mixture of a very liberal mother and a very conservative Father. My Mother is the queen of the household and her opinion usually was household law. I Married into a very conservative downstate Illinois farm family. I consider myself a very conservative Christian businessman with a heart, open mind, open checkbook, and world view. Because I was born in Australia, Parents from U.K., Sister Brother in Law, Nieces & Nephews in Japan, & I live in the United States, I consider myself a world citizen. All of that puts me in a Jekyll & Hyde unique position to comment on the current political environment. People the pendulum is always swinging.

We all agree much work is needed. The list is great. Health Care reform, Tax Reform, Government size, Social Security Reform, Small Business Incentives, social issues, Insurance discrimination, Environment, lobby controls, abortion issues, Homeless issues, fiscal responsibility and the list goes on. It has taken me years to discern that a corporation does not have a heart. The only objective that any corporation has is to please its stakeholders. In the United States 99.999% of the time the stakeholders have invested their money , want a return, and are somewhat distant to the daily operations. Is that a bad thing? It really can not be a judgement call because if you say it is our world goes away as we know it... you would not have the freedom to choose Conservative or Liberal.

SO bottom line in the brains of most Americans we realize that we need the economic machine to run to keep our society as we know it. What we see right now is the gears, steam, leaks, and cracks of a machine that has not been maintained. Any machine has to be maintained, oiled, gears, and cogs replaced. We have neglected our machine. You can not keep your economic advantage if Taxes run amuck, Controls interfere, you abuse the environment, health and health care declines. There is much more but you get the idea.

I just wanted to throw my hat into the ring and say we are not that far apart. Conservatives do have a heart and pretty fat wallets. They as a group donate to churches food banks little league cheerleaders football teams service clubs on a daily basis. They stand on a platform of what I work for I am in the best position to decide how to spend it. Also In the United States... Any person is free to open a business. It is a 80% bet to fail. When you fail and you will. You can pick yourself up, dust yourself off, turn around, and do it again. If you do it five times you will be successful. You only need to have it stick once. Sorry I digress....

In the spirit of Jekell and Hyde... Having a child with Autism puts me smack in the middle of the Liberal Conservative debate. Until the cause cure and culprit (Pharma environment vaccines ) are hung. I will fight anyway I can. So in this case if I can get the government to use its money to help my son & others I will. That being said I will not sit by and be sad for myself. I am on my ninth attempt at starting my own business. The odds are this one or the next will stick. Either way I am working for a better world for all. Conservatives say a prayer. Liberals keep writing letters and twittering. Thank you for your support. TannersDad