
Schwartz: Norm Schwartz MD

We now know that autism is a systemic disorder with brain and gastrointestinal inflammation, immune dysregulation and imbalanced biochemistry. The first DAN! Think Tank, sponsored by the Autism Research Institute 12 years ago, initiated a scientific and evidence-based exploration to unravel these multi-system abnormalities. A coalition of parents, researchers, and physicians had the audacity to suggest autism is treatable. Through sharing ideas and talents, listening to each other, and following the science for treatment strategies-- children improved, sometimes dramatically. For parents and clinicians, understanding the scientific basis of biomedical treatment is challenging. To assist this process, this monthly program will explore the ins and outs of nutritional biochemistry. Fortunately, there is an expert resource to guide in this exploration- Autism: Effective Biomedical Treatments by Dr. Sid Baker and Dr. Jon Pangborn (ARI, 2005). This brilliant, in depth, comprehensive book is a remarkable synthesis. This program will use this as a reference to take your understanding to the next level and assist you to be an informed partner with your medical practitioner in advocating for your child.

The first program will explore biochemical individuality and the historical development of the biomedical approach. The program will discuss sources of information and how parents can best decide what is optimal for their child--prioritizing choices and a logical sequence for interventions. The program will also look at the resistance of medical authorities to accept new ideas, and how parents, researchers, scientists, and clinicians cooperatively developed ground-breaking therapies thus demonstrating autism is treatable--shattering the myth of autism as a genetically predetermined psychiatric disorder.