
The Greatest Sins

The greatest sin Wired Magazine committed in publishing a hit piece about AutismOne was not against us, but against all the young women who work there.

A workplace comes with its own implicit codes of conduct, belief systems, and dogma. They are the unwritten rules we learned about on playgrounds in grade school.

Never talked about, they became part of how we self-corrected our own thoughts and behaviors from kindergarten through high school to stay within one standard deviation of acceptable.

Unfortunately, when we enter college and the workplace the same lessons hold true. Don’t unnecessarily bring attention to yourself by raising awkward questions. If management says vaccines are safe, schedule your child’s flu shots on a workday to demonstrate you are a team player.

Condé Nast, the group that publishes Wired Magazine, made a business decision and decided it was more important to publish a vacant piece of tripe than alert half its work force they are in danger of having children who might be diagnosed with autism in a year or two.

Condé Nast’s management bet their own workforce on discredited ideas that vaccines are perfectly safe and in doing so hastened their own exit from the world of important ideas.