
Crank up the buzz machine. 5.26.10

You know how production houses get people to pay big bucks for box office hits? They pay Millions for publicity & Buzz. These days buzz is free.... We all need to start inviting friends to save the day 5.26.10 & start asking questions about personal rights & freedoms we all take for granted. At this point we are not really releasing any specifics... Just get people connecting the date & Questions... Here are a few example tweet & Status updates. Be sure to only use 130 letters so it is easy to retweet...

Today nothing about Chicago, Autism, or Vaccination choice. Just start inviting Stakeholders in humanity.

Have u lost ur personal space? Do u want 2be left alone? Be free 2 make Health Care decisions? Violated Human Rights 5.26.10

@Jack RT plse. On this Date magic will happen. Save, Reserve, Tell a friend May 26th, 2010 Keys to Life, Liberty & Security.

Retweet this please. On this Date magic will happen. Save, Reserve, Tell a friend May 26th, 2010 Keys to Life, Liberty & Security.

R U Human? Have you heard or been told 2put an X on your calendar 4 Wednesday May 26th 2010? More 2come Bailout for Humanity #BFH

Would love to hear your ideas.