
Guestbook Wall
Will wrote:
14 years 27 weeks ago

Hi Vickie
Let me extend to you my personal welcome to our AutismOne Social Network. AutismOne is now the “one-stop-shopping center” for information about autism. We have the annual conference in Chicago, AutismOne radio, the Elizabeth Birt Center for Autism Law and Advocacy and now the AutismOne Social Network (and more to come).
I notice that you’ve not made any entries into your profile. Remember, this is a social network. Part of the function of a social network is to meet and interact with others who have common interests. Of course autism is a common interest. But there is more than that. Individuals like to know about a person before becoming a “friend.” That’s where the profile comes in. So whenever you can find the time, please fill in some of the entries of your profile. To do that just click on “My User Menu” next to the Welcome area on the right. From the resulting menu click on “Edit My Profile” and you will be in business.
Helping you interact with others is one of the many things we can do for you. Now here’s something you can do for us. Log in on a regular basis and read the blogs and articles then write a blog yourself. It can be on any subject of interest to you, preferably with some relevance to autism but not necessarily. It can be short or long, whatever it takes for you to express your thoughts. If you have a question then ask it in a blog--people read then they respond. If you see something with which you agree or disagree then please add a comment with your thoughts. This is an open community designed to help and support. We like to hear all sides.
I am looking forward to reading your opinions in future blogs and/or articles.
With my best regards
Will Price, CFO

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Member Since November 27, 2009

About Me

A Little About Me: 

I am the stay at home mom of 3 children ages 3,6, and 8. Pretty much my life us devoted to my family and ensuring their health and happiness. It is truly a full time job.

Why I am a Part of the AutismOne Community: 

My son actually does not have autism, but has PANDAS. Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychitaric Disorder Associated with Strep. His PANDAS symptoms that surface during an exacerbation include extreme OCD, ADD,ODD, separation anxiety, sensory issues, rages, and more. He also has a pre-existing speech disorder.Currently he is doing well. He has recoevered from his 3rd strep triggered excaerbation and has no residual PANDAS symptoms!

What I am Here For: 
It appears that are some similarities between ASD and PANDAS. There are also a decent amount of kids that carry both diagnosises. I came here in hopes of learning more and aid in building the bridge between these two cummunities.
I see my PANDAS son is happy and healthy. My goal is to make sure he stays that way and to help other parents achieve the same goal. I also feel the need to learn as much as I can. Even though my son is well now, I know in a heartbeat I can lose him again.
Inspirational Spots: 
This website... A forum of PANDAS parents whose daily goalis to help each other and get our children back.
Personal Heroes: 
My son. He has accomplished so much in his first 6 years of life. My mother. She has given me the strength that many will never know. I never would have guessed I had that much inside of me. If it wasn't for her I don't know how I would have gotten my son back. I know she looks down from heaven every day and guides me to do what is right and protects my family from harm.