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Teri Arranga

On Second Looking into the Case of Dr. Andrew J. Wakefield
by William Long, MDiv, PhD, JD
(c) 2009 The Autism File

Polly Tommey

Discredited Defamation: The Fallacious Case against Dr. Andrew Wakefield by Polly Tommey
(c) 2010 The Autism File

Teri Arranga

Toxic Children: How U.S. babies became born pre-polluted, and what can be done to fix this silent, insidious pandemic -
by Kenneth Cook, co-founder and president, Environmental Working Group
(c) 2009 The Autism File

Teri Arranga

Autism One / Generation Rescue 2010 Conference, May 24-30, Chicago, Illinois

Teri Arranga

It's Time We Had a Talk -- About Talk by Marion Blank, PhD, and Mary Beth Cull
(c) 2009 The Autism File

Lisa Rupe

by Jonathan Morrow

The doctor cleared his throat. “I’m sorry, but I have bad news.”

He paused, looking down at the floor. He looked back up at her. He started to say something and then stopped, looking back down at the floor.

That’s when Pat began to cry.


What about make believe for children, good or bad? Is there really a Tooth Fairy? Really?? If you're a four-year old, the answer is probably "yes." If you're a 24-year old hopefully the answer is "no."

A recent article in the Wall Street Journal explored the subject of how kids learn to distinguish between what is real and what is not real. The following paragraphs from this article provide you an insight to some fascinating research.

Teri Arranga

The Utilization of Laboratory Biomarkers to Predict and Prevent Neuroimmune Disorders Caused by Environmental Stressors by Kendal Stewart, MD, and Lisa Hunter Ryden, MT (ASCP), MBA
(c) 2009 The Autism File

Alice Shabecoff

Yesterday evening, after my teenage granddaughter had finished her homework, we went at her request to a nearby mall. We drove, of course.

While she was hunting around for some new acquisition of the outlandish apparel teenagers relish these days, I sauntered idly around the shops. The stores are all chains common to malls across our country. She spent her time at two places I had never heard of, Rue 21 and Wet Seal, jam-packed with girls her age.