Adolescence and Adulthood
‘Independent Living’ Living a life of One’s Own
It is exciting to read about a new federal initiative that will help individuals move from institutions to the independent living. This program will involve the Department of Housing and Urban Development and the Department of Health and Human Service, with Health care and support services coordinated through Medicaid’s “Money Follows the Person.” To read more about this initiative at
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Nine Ways to Enhance College Success for the Student with Autism or Related Disabilities
Going off to college can be frightening or at least uneasy for a young adult as well as parents. This event is more pronounced when the student has autism or a related disability. The fact is people with disabilities experience great difficulty entering and succeeding in the workforce and in higher education. Why is this? I believe it is because of others’ limited understanding of the capability of this group as well as inadequate supports.
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The Impact of Acknowledging Challenges: Youth with Autism and Developmental Disabilities
Acknowledging your son/daughter or student’s challenges sets a powerful direction in planning, and can become a foundational building block. Consider this question: “Can acknowledging a person’s challenges really set the direction that can build upon a person’s self image and social belonging? YES, it is the first and most important step. In fact, acknowledging a person’s challenges is different from focusing on a person’s disability characteristic.
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A Veteran Mom and Young Adult with Autism
A few weeks ago, at a Christmas art show I met a mom with two children, a 13-year old daughter and a 21-year old son with autism. Alice walked into Trent’s art booth and expressed her fascination with Trent’s art. I asked about her son and with enthusiasm in her voice, she spoke of how Rodney loved to draw. Alice talked about his fascination with the Chicago Bears team clothing, an athletic shoe, and the rock bands he downloads on his I’Pod. She then reluctantly talked about how her son became a ward of the state.
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Supporting People with Autism for ...By Steve Janak, 14 years 19 weeks agoAchieving a best outcome for a productive transition to adulthood requires intervention in three main areas: 1) behavioral/developmental/educational 2) biomedical 3) sensory integration Addressing these three areas of intervention plus approaches focused on addressing social and self-awareness is necessary to navigate the adult arenas of employment, relationships, continuing education, interdependent living, and appropriate self-advocacy. |
Avoiding the Pitfalls: Winning the WarBy Steve Janak, 15 years 16 weeks agoDr. Megson will discuss how children emerging from autism have ongoing predictable developments, medical, social, educational needs and what to do about them as you travel this road. Mary Megson, MD is a board certified pediatrician, fellowship trained in child development. |
Maverick Mama Grows Up: Adult Autism Considered December 2010
Originally Aired Tue, 12/07/2010 - 9:00amFor this the last show of 2010, Maverick Mama has a new title and a new stated purposed:
Adults on the Autism Spectrum Today!
Originally Aired Sat, 10/16/2010 - 1:00pmThe international radio show, Adults on the Autism Spectrum; TODAY!, is brought to you on the third Saturday of every month. The general themes addressed on the show include: planning for the future; how to access adult services; effective transition approaches; wills/trusts/guardianship; self-advocacy; state and national advocacy; service development; employment opportunities; supported living; recreation/leisure activities; and, personal stories of success and struggle.