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Adolescence and Adulthood

The Impact of Chasing Inspiration: Individuals of all ages with ASD

There are many venues to explore where one can pursue inspiration for the purposes of contributing to the world, and making a life of well-being. This article explores ‘inspiration’ and how individuals with ASD discovered their deep ‘inspiration’ through making their art. The art of Elaine Crowder, Trent Altman, Kevin Hosseini, and students at The Beacon Day School, and other artists who have autism will be featured at The Brilliance of Autism Exhibit at Autism One 2013 conference on May 21- 26.

broccoli and the cauliflower

We got in the broccoli and the cauliflower. He read and spoke "broccoli" but had to have help with the cauliflower tag. That was interesting because the cauliflower tag had a picture and the broccoli tag didn't. So I know he was reading.

But a new trend is emerging which is odd. He's actually trying to stay out of the dirt. Unless of course he has new shoes on and wants to get me in trouble with his mother.

Title: Are You Tuning into Messages That Reveal Gifts or Interests

This blog is #2 out of the series on identifying and using strengths, interests, and talents more fully.

These questions are especially designed for Young Adults Who Can Work Independently. The information I offer can lead you through an exploratory process to identify and use your strengths and talents. I hope you will look at this process as fun and enjoyable. Please get a notebook and mark it, Exploring My Strengths and Talents.

The Staircase to Life After High School (especially for individuals with ASD and their advocates)

Just for today what is the priority you have for your life? Can you express what ways you will continue to learn and grow as an individual?

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Supporting People with Autism for ...

Achieving a best outcome for a productive transition to adulthood requires intervention in three main areas:

1) behavioral/developmental/educational 2) biomedical 3) sensory integration

Addressing these three areas of intervention plus approaches focused on addressing social and self-awareness is necessary to navigate the adult arenas of employment, relationships, continuing education, interdependent living, and appropriate self-advocacy.

Avoiding the Pitfalls: Winning the War

Dr. Megson will discuss how children emerging from autism have ongoing predictable developments, medical, social, educational needs and what to do about them as you travel this road.

Mary Megson, MD is a board certified pediatrician, fellowship trained in child development.


Adults on the Autism Spectrum Today!; Dr. Holmes interviews Dennis Rogers founder of Safe Haven Farms

Autism One Radio Apr 11-Apr 16 Adults on the Autism Spectrum Today! With Dr. David L. Holmes,
A Worldwide, Internet-Based Radio Station for the Care, Treatment, and
Recovery of All Children with Autism

Sat, Apr 15

1pm-1:30 Dr. David Holmes: Adults on the Autism Spectrum Today!
focuses on events that have impacted individuals and families affected by
autism--not merely addressing what happened--but more importantly why. Dr. Holmes has founded many award winning educational, employment and residential services over a span of 40



Talking with Dennis Debbaudt regarding Risk and Safety issues for the autistic community. Even though his trainings are usually geared to First Responders and Law/Legal issues his video's and trainings helped in ways I want to share with others.

Find out more about Dennis and his work at: