Can Children Recover From Autism? Ask Lila White

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Can children recover from Autism? Ask Lila White and her son.
Every parent hopes they will have healthy, happy children. Unfortunately today, 1 in 50 children has
autism and the number is growing. But an autism diagnosis doesn’t have to mean “GAME OVER!’
Lila White, of Elgin Illinois, bore a healthy boy at birth. As he entered his early developmental years, a
medical mistake turned her and her son’s life into a living hell.
“My son was mistakenly given an MMR when he was 8 months old. I was the one who caught the error
when the nurse tried to calm him with the wrong name. If I knew then, what I know now, I would have
walked out of the pediatrician’s office.
“The MMR package insert specifically states that no other vaccines are to
be administered at the same time as the MMR. This directive was ignored
and my son was also given his correct shots of DPT and HIB. That's seven
vaccines at the same time. A huge assault on an 8 mo. old's immune
system. To make matters worse, he was given the usual dose of Tylenol
immediately afterwards. Tylenol depletes the body's Glutathione which is
its major detox system.
“My son was later diagnosed with High Functioning Autism/Asperger's. He was on four psychiatric
medications in grade school.”
Looking for alternative treatments, Lila attended the AutismOne conference in Chicago. Using the
information gained at the AutismOne conference, her son began a difficult and successful regimen that
included various biomedical treatments, vitamin and mineral supplements, and hyperbaric treatments
(this treatment may not work or be recommended in many cases).
“I bartered a deal with Dr. Georgia Davis of Springfield for my son to receive 40 hyperbaric treatment. In
I worked for three months for free. When the treatments were completed, Dr. Davis hired me fulltime.
“Using biomedical treatments that I learned of through AutismOne, my son has lost his diagnosis and is
no longer on any psychiatric medications. As we withdrew the medications, we substituted various
natural supplements that supported the same body systems.
“Today my son is a junior at Northern Illinois University majoring in Computer Science. He maintains a
4.0 GPA. I couldn’t be prouder.”
Consider attending the AutismOne/Focus for Health 2015 Conference to get more miracle stories
about the large strides for recovering from Autism. The AutismOne/Focus for Health 2015 Conference
will be held May 20-24, 2015, at the Loews Chicago O’Hare Hotel in Rosemont, IL.
For additional information, or schedule an interview, contact:
Spencer Maus
Spencer Maus, of SpencerConnect Communications, is donating his time and efforts to the AutismOne for Health
2015 Conference.