Functional Medicine and Neurological approaches for ADHD

ADHD is a prevalant developmental delay that often persists into adulthood. We will be discussing the structural connectivitly of a child's brain with ADHD by examining the effects of functional dysconnectivity, gut integrity, oxidative stress, and immune dysregulation. There will be some pathophysiological review as well as current hypothesis and theories regarding etiology and environmental stressors. We will also be reviewing research-based approaches which effectively reduce symptoms of ADHD while also addressing the foundation of the issue utilizing brain-based stimulation, dietary alterations, and targeted supplementation.

Joshua Flowers, DC, DACNB

Dr. Joshua Flowers graduated from Logan University with a degree in Chiropractic, furthering his studies in neurology, immunology, clinical neuroscience, and medicine. Dr. Flowers is a board certified functional neurologist. He practices in Colorado at the Revive Treatment Centers of America, where he specializes in traumatic brain rehabilitation, childhood developmental delays, and neurodegenerative and metabolic disorders.