Medical Cannabis Perspective, with

Thalia Michelle illuminates how to explain the legitimacy of medical cannabis while undertaking a grassroots advocacy effort. What is the science behind the use of medical cannabis to support the body when it experiences various symptoms? What have credentialed scientists who've published on the topic said? How can parents educate legislators on this issue to enhance options in their home state? What benefits have parents reported with various symptoms? Additionally, California Cannabis Advocates will be screening their new video "10 Things You Might Not Know About Medical Marijuana."

Thalia Michelle

Thalia is an autism mom seeking to support her son’s health and wellness. In addition to being an original co-founder of The Thinking Moms' Revolution, she helped create MAMMA (Mothers Advocating Medical Marijuana for Autism) in March 2014. MAMMA’s mission revolves around educating autism and special needs families about the healing power of therapeutic cannabis as it applies to people of all disabilities and working for legislative change on both state and federal levels.