Three Case Studies Demonstrating Positive Change with Sound-based Therapies

On April 4, 2011, 3:06 pm

The Davis Model of Sound Intervention introduces sound-based therapies appropriately when a diagnostic evaluation determines the need. Each autistic person may need a different program of therapies, which may include AIT, Tomatis®, BioAcoustics, Fast ForWord®, or Interactive Metronome®. This presentation will review three separate case studies demonstrating the need for the evaluation and the correct progression of therapies to make maximum change. Positive and negative changes will be discussed as each person's program progresses through the suggested therapies.

Dorinne Davis, MA, CCC-A, FAAA is the president/founder of The Davis Center of Succasunna, New Jersey, and has developed The Davis Model of Sound Intervention. She is the author of four books including Sound Bodies through Sound Therapy®, hailed as the primer for all sound therapies. She has demonstrated the scientific principles behind the voice-ear-brain connection in The Davis Addendum® to The Tomatis Effect and established The Tree of Sound Enhancement Therapy® from which her Diagnostic Evaluation for Therapy Protocol (DETP®) provides the correct administration of any sound-based therapy. The Davis Center is considered the world's premier sound therapy center, and Ms. Davis is recognized as the world's leading sound-based therapist. She has a radio show on Autism One Radio titled Sound Effects with Dorinne Davis, which discusses how sound affects the person with autism. Web sites discussing her work are and

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