Dorinne Davis

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Member Since June 9, 2009

About Me

Dorinne Davis
Succasunna, NJ
About Me
Here For: 
Sound Therapist/Audiologist
A Little About Me: 

Dorinne S. Davis, MA, CCC-A, FAAA, RCTC, BARA, is the President/Founder of The Davis Center, Succasunna, NJ. She is the author of 4 books: Sound Bodies through Sound Therapy® (hailed as the primer for all sound therapies), Every Day A Miracle: Success Stories with Sound Therapy® (16 heartwarming stories of sound therapy successes), Otitis Media: Coping With The Effects In The Classroom (A teacher’s compendium of classroom activities and responses), and A Parent’s Guide to Middle Ear Infections (An informational book for parents). She has demonstrated the scientific principles behind the Voice-Ear-Brain Connection in The Davis Addendum® to The Tomatis Effect, and established The Tree of Sound Enhancement Therapy® from which her Diagnostic Evaluation for Therapy Protocol (DETP®) provides the correct administration of any sound-based therapy. Ms. Davis is credentialed in 20 different sound-based therapies and her background as an audiologist, educator and sound therapist provides the foundation to The Davis Center’s unique Total Person approach, called The Davis Model of Sound Intervention®. The Davis Center is considered the world’s premier sound therapy center and Ms. Davis is recognized as the world’s leading sound-based therapist. She has worked with thousands of people, young and old, learning challenged and normal, making change with their response to sound using sound-based therapies.

Ms. Davis is an international speaker in the field of sound therapy. She has presented at many sound healing conferences such as the International Sound Healing Conference in 2008 in Santa Fe, New Mexico, the World Sound Healing Conference in 2007 San Francisco, California, and the Global Sound Conference 2008 in Marina Del Rey, California and many conferences related to learning and medical challenges including issues of autism, AD/HD, Williams syndrome, learning disabilities, dyslexia, chromosome imbalances, adoption, and more. She has presented in Australia, Korea, Spain, Austria, China, and Russia. The Davis Addendum to the Tomatis Effect was introduced to the United States in 2004 at the Acoustical Society of America and to Europe at the PAN European Voice Conference in the Netherlands in August 2007.

She was asked to establish a radio show for Her program entitled, “Sound Effects with Dorinne Davis, discussing how Sound Affects the Person with Autism” is played on the second Thursday of every month at 12:30 PM. She also has a radio show through cbs radio, called "Sound Effects with Dorinne Davis" on www.newskyradio every Tuesday at noon EST. Websites discussing her work are,, and

Why I am a Part of the AutismOne Community: 

I host "Sound Effects with Dorinne Davis: Discussing How Sound Affects the Person with Autism" on the second Thursday of each month at 12:30 PM on radio. I have worked with hundreds of children with autism and have supported their ability to change their learning, development, and wellness challenges associated with autism. I am on this community to support the parents and professionals looking for help with how sound-based therapy can help the person on the autistic spectrum.

What I am Here For: 
to help paretns and professionals with answers to questions about how sound impacts the person with autism.
Autism Help / Accomplishments: 

My work has been published in 5 books, numerous chapters in other books, and many articles. I have appeared on many radio shows. I am credentialed in 20 different sound-based therapies and have created The Davis Model of Sound Intervention (R), and published The Davis Addendum to the Tomatis Effect. I am credentialed as an audiologist and educator. I am available to anyone via my email at

To develop an approach for anyone to benefit from a sound-based therapy, as defined with The Davis Model of Sound Intervention.
Help to Give: 

I will be glad to answer questions re: sound therapy for anyone. contact me at I also offer speaking engagements for free to autism support groups. If I have to travel long distance, I only ask for help with the travel. I have designed a way for my test battery to be offered in various locations and this can be arranged by reaching out to my email.