Lisa Lundy

Guestbook Wall
Rhonda Brunett (not verified) wrote:
14 years 33 weeks ago

Fellow Team Members and Mentors,
Help, I’m Overwhelmed……
As Bette Midler once said, “People are not the best because they work hard, they work hard because they are the best.” And you are the best! You are an appreciated volunteer and everyone here at Autism One, would like to thank you for your exceptional service. I don’t know how we would manage without you; as Hilary Clinton has emphasized, it truly takes a village to raise a child, and our baby is this amazing “Social Network” and we need a group effort, I could sure use your assistance.
There are only a handful of volunteers that have been consistently blogging, greeting new members and adding comments to new member’s posts. I am aware that time is a precious commodity, there sometimes isn’t enough time in a day, but I would like to ask for a little of your time each week or even once a month. Every little bit helps. Having helpful advice/suggestions and tips can make an enormous difference in another individual’s life.
Your support would be greatly appreciated. There are days that I am truly overwhelmed. We are looking forward to seeing you at the May Conference in Chicago, you can find me at the registration desk, drop by and say hello(: Thank you so very much. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at:
Sincerely yours,
Rhonda Brunett, Autism One Chicago Liaison

Lisa Rupe wrote:
14 years 36 weeks ago

Lisa - thanks so much for the book! I love the girly cover too. I've looked through most of the front and working through the recipes now. You are going to have to talk me into the rotation diet though - what made the difference for you and your family? I just don't think I can plan for it. I'm fine planning conferences - but not family meals! For some reason I don't think about dinner until some one asks me LOL.

admin wrote:
15 years 5 weeks ago

Great to have you as part of the community and doing such a great job with PR!

Lisa Lundy wrote:
15 years 5 weeks ago

Hi Steve! Yes, and I wanted to talk to you about what you are up to to see if I can get you some press!

Steve Janak wrote:
15 years 5 weeks ago

Hello! I think you know my mom Laurette Janak.

My Family and Friends

No family members added yet.

My Buddies
It is both an honor and a privilege to be one of the bloggers for the Autism One community and readers as I have been actively engaged in my local autism community for nine years now.
Member Since May 4, 2009

About Me

Lisa Lundy
Buffalo, New York
About Me
Relationship Status: 
State College, PA
3 adorable children (12, 10 and 7)
Bachelor of Science, Marketing
Penn State University
Motivational Speaker, Author of The Super Allergy Girl™ Allergy & Celiac Cookbook
A Little About Me: 

Outside of being a mother with 3 children 12 and under, and being the author of The Super Allergy Girl™ Allergy & Celiac Cookbook, I have a passion for helping empower people. I am the host of the Nuts and Bolts of Health here on AutismOne Radio. I was a food allergy expert before my 3rd child was born, and I had no idea the fight I would be in to save her life. What I have learned in saving this very typical, but severely allergic, immune suppressed child would help many people. I am here to share what I have learned to help others avoid such issues.

Why I am a Part of the AutismOne Community: 

I am here to support and empower the parents and caregivers in the autism community in any way that I can, but especially with special diets and gluten-free, dairy-free and allergen-free baking.

What I am Here For: 
To help people with the gluten-free, dairy-free diet; allergy questions; baking questions; food and nutrition questions.
My vision is to help get the 3 million Americans who have celiac disease diagnosed, and the 15-20+ million gluten-intolerant people diagnosed with gluten intolerance and in the process of that have the average consumer understand that what they eat affects their health immensely.
Help to Give: 

Gluten-free and dairy-free baking help, recipes, white papers, tips sheets all available for FREE on my website. I can answer questions and help as needed.

What Mentoring Do I Offer: 
questions on gluten-free/casein-free cooking and baking; allergy questions;
How Can I Be Contacted: 
Through this site, or at
My Credentials: 

Bachelor of Science, Penn State University (Marketing)
Author, The Super Allergy Girl™ Allergy & Celiac Cookbook
Mother to 3 children, all typical, however one with severe and life-threatening health issues who is well on her way to a full recovery (severe malnutrition, malabsorption- and NEVER vaccinated in case you were wondering);
Involved with national physician groups of the integrative, natural and holistic nature

Books / Magazines: 
Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill The Tipping Point/Blink/Outliers -all by Malcolm Gadwell The Power of Intention by Dr. Wayne Dyer Dr. Folkman's War by Robert Cooke Is This Your Child? by Dr. Doris Rapp, MD Remarkable Recovery by Caryle Hirshberg & Marc Ian Barasch
100 Years, Five for Fighting??