
Guestbook Wall
Peanutsmommy wrote:
15 years 4 weeks ago

Thank you so much for coming to my page, I am so glad to be here. I want to meet others who just like me want to defeat Autism. My son has come along way since we began his treatment, I feel so blessed to have my little man with me, he has taught me so much about life, he has taught me to treasure the little things in life who at the end are the ones that truly matter. I hope to get to chat with you often, it's so cool that you went to school here at Reed! I only live 10 mins away from there, small world huh! again thank you for the warm welcome!

wim wrote:
15 years 4 weeks ago

Hi Will,

Thanks for your warm welcome.
I have updated my profile with the reason (project) of my autismone registration.

Best regards,


reyhoward wrote:
15 years 8 weeks ago

Thanks for the welcome, Will. I look forward to updating my profile as you suggest.

15 years 10 weeks ago

Thanks for the welcome. I'm a political blogger, but I won't bring that in here. I just set up a separate blog to write about this. I'll post a link when I get a post finished. It's called the Audacity to Cope.

mila wrote:
15 years 12 weeks ago

Hi Will thank you for the warm welcome, I am so super excited to be part of Autism One!
I look forward to learning, and sharing.
Feel free to take a look at my Profile, I updated it, let me know what ya think.
Also feel free to head me towards projects/work
I am ready to emerge into Autism One.
Thanks Again,

Zeebu wrote:
15 years 15 weeks ago

Hello Will,
Thank you for your warm reception. I look forward to taking part in this community.

SkillSprout wrote:
15 years 16 weeks ago

Will, this is a great site! A much needed resource to the autism community.

SavingGabe (not verified) wrote:
15 years 20 weeks ago

Thank you for being so support with Gabes story!

jenniefrench wrote:
15 years 21 weeks ago

Hey Will, thanks for the heads-up on my profile, I love your site, keep up the good work!

morinp2003 wrote:
15 years 21 weeks ago

Hello will

I is trully a trully honnor to be invite to join this group
as a french canadian , I hope to bring up some interesting topics in the near future .

The first , I am old generation so this fangal computers are still a mystery .

So if someone can point me the way on how to drop a picture of me and son gabriel , it would be really apprecaite.

Secondly over the last year , I have been developping a fairly large data base of the autism evolution in quebec .

Something came up in that data , that internationaly adopted are showing a high rate autism prevalence .

I was wondering if anybody in this group , pick up on this phenomena .

Votre amie du quebec
Pierre Morin

My Family and Friends

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The value of a plant-based diet for improving overall health has become a hot topic of late.

I am an active 78-year young guy with the very good fortune of being in excellent health.
Member Since May 20, 2009

About Me

Will Price
93 years
Salt Lake City
About Me