Bridging the Biochemistry of Down Syndrome to that Seen in Autism

Power Point Presentation.

The prevalence of autism within the Down syndrome population vastly exceeds that
seen in the general population. In this talk Laurette Janak, a mother of a child who
has Down syndrome, leukemia, and is on the spectrum, will present data on the ways
in which the genetically based biochemistry of Down syndrome can make them more
sensitive to exposures to environmental toxins. Information can be learned from this
high-risk group that can be applied to autism within the general population.

Of Evidence, Ethics, and Education

Power Point Presentation By:
Rev. Lisa Sykes.

How does one spark the reforms necessary to protect minds from mercury? Why do the Hippocratic Oath and the Right of Informed Consent apply to all parts of medicine, except vaccination? How do we counter the argument that a mercury-containing vaccine is better than no vaccine at all? In answering these questions, if we limit ourselves to scientific studies or political debates, then we have missed one of our most commanding arguments: the teaching of faith and ethic.

Why All The Asthma, Allergies, ADHD and ASD?

Power Point Presentation By: Nancy O’Hara, M.D
Dr. O'Hara presents an overview of how to care for your children with autism, focusing on the importance of gut and immune system issues. Cases studies will illustrate the problems in our children's gastrointestinal and immune systems, and how to best treat them



The Coalition for SafeMinds was founded to raise awareness, support research, change policy and focus national attention on the growing evidence of a link between mercury and neurological disorders such as autism, attention deficit disorder, language delay and learning difficulties. Our mission is to end the health and personal devastations caused by the needless exposure to mercury, one of the most neurotoxic substances on earth.

Chelation! DMSA

Hello everyone my name is Lucy I am new here and would love to get to know more parents, hear about your success stories and learn and maybe even teach others what I have learned! Today I want to hear from other parents who have done chelation using DMSA, I just got done with Peanut's first round and will start back up this Saturday the 1st. I have noticed some mild regression which I heard was normal and expected, not fun but what can you do right.

Do toxins trigger autistic regression?

Power Point Presentation By: Woody McGinnis, MD.
Neurotoxic brainstem impairment as proposed threshold event in autistic regression. Loss of vocalization, changes in social behavior, and altered gastrointestinal function occur in variable permutations in a significant subset-probably a majority-of children who eventually receive the diagnosis of autism.

Down syndrome, vaccinations and genetic susceptibility to injury

Power Point Presentation

Description of Down syndrome
Down syndrome autism prevalence
Down syndrome and mercury sensitivity
Down syndrome & mitochondrial dysfunction
Cancer and vaccines; is there a connection?
Down syndrome and aluminum sensitivity
One-size-fits-all philosophy
Vaccines and immune overload
Scenario for DS injury from vaccines
Future directions of study

The Effects of Synergistic ...

Data now exists that strongly indicates that there is a genetic subset of the human population that is unable to effectively excrete mercury from low level exposures.

Age of Autism: Year in Review and the Search For the Kanner Kids

Mark, Kim, and Dan will review the year, and then they will debut a new 8-minute video How Mercury Triggered the Age of Autism. We’ll talk with Teresa Conrick about her discovery of the first-born child with an autism diagnosis and the hunt for the Kanner 11.

Mark Blaxill

Mark Blaxill is the father of a daughter diagnosed with autism, Chairman and co-founder of the Canary Party, editor at large for Age of Autism, a director of SafeMinds and a frequent speaker at autism conferences. He has authored a number of scientific publications on autism. He received a bachelor’s degree summa cum laude from the Woodrow Wilson School of Public/International Affairs at Princeton University and an MBA with distinction from Harvard Business School. He co-authored a book with Dan Olmsted, The Age of Autism: Mercury, Medicine and a Man-made Epidemic (Thomas Dunne, 2010).

Dan Olmsted

Dan Olmsted is Editor of, the daily web newspaper of the autism epidemic. He began reporting on autism in 2005, writing a weekly column for United Press International. In 2010, he and Mark Blaxill co-authored The Age of Autism -- Mercury, Medicine, and a Man-Made Epidemic. A graduate of Yale College, he has been a journalist for 35 years and was an original staff member of USA Today and a senior editor of UPI.

Kim Stagliano

Kim Stagliano, is wife, Mom, writer... and tired. She and her husband Mark have three gorgeous girls - who have autism. They think it's almost impossible, given that autism affects boys 4:1 over girls. They have found a way to survive the impossible. Kim is Managing Editor of, the nation's first daily web newspaper about the autism epidemic. She writes for The Huffington Post and has a column in Autism File magazine. She has published two books, All I Can Handle I’m No Mother Teresa: A Life Raising Three Daughters with Autism and House of Cards.

My child was disgnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder, now what?

A message to Ed Arranga the founder of from a concerned parent many years ago. Some of this information may need to be updated which we will do in the near future.