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Success with Floortime

Some of you will undoubtedly have heard of Floortime Therapy as a treatment for autism. For those who have not, it is a child-centered approach that utilizes interactive play to develop social and emotional skills. I only mention it because it has helped our son Conner tremendously. It appealed to us initially because it was something we could learn to implement ourselves as parents. We are not wealthy people so 40 hours of ABA per week was out of the question.

Something For Sam

Hi there. I’m Lin Wessels, otherwise known as Sam’s mom. I am an autism activist of sorts, which is how I ended up here, on AutismOne, as a blogger. My profile picture reflects my attempts at political activism on behalf of our families with autism. The more I understand about politics, the more contacts I make on The Hill, the more meetings I attend with our representatives, the more I feel exactly as that picture depicts…..locked on the outside, trying to get in. Sometimes I do truly wonder why I even bother. But then, I remember the alternative, do nothing.

What to Do When A Child Won’t Eat Feeding Disorders &Developmental Disabilities

Power Point Presentation By: Katharine Gutshall, MA, BCBA
Why be concerned?
Medical and behavioral interactions
Where do you stand now?
Behavioral interventions
Looking around the environment
Introducing new foods
Different textures
Becoming a self-feeder
Mealtime behavior problems
Making lasting changes
Why interventions can fail
Common questions

Vaccines Cause Autism!!!

Vaccines cause autism!!! The government created The No-Fault Federal "Vaccine Court" for people that were injured by vaccines. Yes INJURED!!! There would not be such a court if vaccines were totally safe!!! If a doctor tells you that vaccines are safe please ask them about the court. Most of them will not even know about "Vaccine Court". Check out this website and learn.

The Child as a Whole Why Behavioral and Biomedical Interventions are both Critical to Growth and Recovery

Power Point Presentation By: Doreen Granpeesheh, Ph.D.
What is Autism: A whole body condition
The Synergistic Effects of ABA and Biomedical Interventions working together
Sudden and dramatic changes in behavior when medical interventions are put in place
Case Studies
What is ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis)
What is good ABA?
How can you gain access to it?

Is anyone else sick of autism???

I am so sick of autism I want to scream until my throat bleeds and cry until my eyes cannot cry any longer. I want to stop doing dishes, laundry and stop changing diapers on a 8 year old. I am so tired. I am tired of taking care of everyone and everything. I am tired of always being the optimistic one. I am tired of going without so you can have whatever you want. I am tired of NEVER having enough money. Tired of saying that it could be worse. I KNOW IT COULD BE WORSE BUT DAMMIT THIS IS BAD TOO!! Tired of putting on a happy face and taking deep breaths and continuing on.

Healing the Wounded Child: (re)-integrating the child into the family

Power Point Presentation By: Lark Eshleman, PHD

Normal, healthy attachment development,
What happens if attachment development goes off track,
What families can do about it

Sensory Savvy Understand Your Child Understand Sensory Integration

Power Power Presentation By: Kristin Selby Gonzalez
When your child is cranky and seemingly inconsolable…
Maybe the sensory overload is YOU

The 3 S’s: Slow, Silly, Shhhh – Back off, move slowly, keep you expression silly and animated – but quiet!

Created by Me – with lots of help from Jaxson!

New Insights into the Treatment of Autism: The Hormonal Connection

Power Point Presentation By: Mark R. Geier.

Examined were 72 children with autism, including 23 children with Asperger syndrome, 34 siblings, 88 fathers, 88 mothers, and sex and age-matched controls. The authors demonstrated that the more severely affected the children were the higher the levels of prenatal testosterone.

New Insights into the Underlying Biochemistry of Autism: The Mercury-Vaccine Connection

Power Point Presentation By: David A. Geier
National Toxicology Program (NTP)
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,
National Institutes of Health's
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS)

Statement on Thimerosal

They state that among the synonyms of thimerosal is merthiolate. They report in their toxicity evaluation of thimerosal, “Poison by ingestion, subcutaneous, intravenous and possibly other routes. An experimental neoplastigen and teratogen.