Daily toxic exposure and its impact on health and behavioral development

The average baby has detectable levels at birth of 286 of the 300 most toxic chemicals in our environment. The EPA allow 85,000 chemicals to be released into the environment and 83,000 of these have never had any animal or human testing. The FDA allows over 2,000 chemicals to be added to food that the immune system must remove as a toxin. To maintain normal health and development we must identify, avoid and remove these toxic chemicals.

Gerald D. Wootan, DO, MEd, DO, MEd

Dr. Wootan is board certified in family practice and has been treating spectrum disorders for over 15 years utilizing biomedical and traditional approaches. He is also certified in hyperbaric oxygen therapy, chelation therapy and Defeat Autism Now. His recent book "Detox Diets for Dummies examins our daily environmental and dietary toxic exposures, how to avoid them and how to get rid of them. Dr. Wootan has been in practice for 25 years and has a master's degree in counseling psychology.