Is Recovery From Autism Possible?


Children are recovering from autism, and yet, the general public and most of our medical community are unaware this can happen. Sometimes our even most dedicated doctors believe the medical issues associated with autism are just part of a “developmental disorder.” And our children are not treated for the same medical conditions as every other child. But an autism diagnosis no longer has to mean "game over."

Ryan’s autism diagnosis ripped away every dream his parents had for his future. However, after treating hidden viruses and infections, Ryan’s compromised immune system started to function better.  That’s when he was able to learn what he couldn’t before. Today Ryan is an aerospace engineer and leads a “typical” life.  His recovery wasn’t miraculous, but the result of getting proper medical care.  Marcia tells their story of hope as only a mother can. Autism may not come with a manual, but when it comes with a family who never gives up, the IMPOSSIBLE can happen!

There is hope... and it is possible to have a different outcome for children with autism!

Marcia Hinds, BS, BA

Marcia Hinds, BS, BA

Marcia Hinds is a DIY autism parent. She is a credentialed teacher with degrees in Sociology and Psychology from UCLA.  Her inspirational book “I KNOW YOU’RE IN THERE – Winning Our War Against Autism ” shows what is possible for children who are treated medically in conjunction with intensive behavioral and educational rehabilitation. “The experts” said Ryan would need to be institutionalized, but today her son is an engineer at a major aerospace company.

Marcia works as a behavioral and educational consultant, and has for more than two decades.  But her most impressive credential is that she is Ryan’s mother and their family survived autism.   Her book I Know You’re In There tells their story in a way that is heartwarming, heartbreaking, and sometimes hilarious. Preview it on Amazon or her website  All profits go to AutismOne.