Maverick Mama November Show

Dr. Michael Elice of Autism Associates of New York in Woodbury, Long Island in a free-ranging discussion about bio-medical interventions and other related topics with speech therapist Lori Lesser, who uses Prompt therapy. Discussion took place during a break at the Autism Across the Lifepan Conference in New York City on November 3, 2009 and was moderated by Barbara Fischkin, Autism One Radio's Maverick Mama

Maverick Mama January 2010

The Group Home Chronicles Continue: "Is your son or daughter still 'yours' if he or she moves into a group home."

This issue and others will be discussed as Barbara Fischkin, Autism One Radio's Maverick Mama Chronicles her 22 -year-old son with autism and his experiences in his first year in a group home. It''s not all dour. Some funny, uplifting tales, too.

Maverick Mama Grows Up: Adult Autism Considered December 2010

For this the last show of 2010, Maverick Mama has a new title and a new stated purposed:

Maverick Mama December 2010

The Group Home/Aging Out Chronicles.
Barbara Fischkin, Autism One Radio's Maverick Mama updates listeners on the experiences of her son Dan, 22, who aged out of high school in June and entered a temporary group home run by the state of New York in August. Maverick Mama will be following her son Dan's story throughout 2010, as he moves into a permanent home and continues his journey into adulthood. This show speaks, in part, about services that are cut when an individual with autism becomes an adult. It depicts happy moments too, as well!

Maverick Mama June 2010 Show

Dr. John Schaut is a psychologist who has worked for 18 years with men and women returning from military combat. He is also the father of a son with Autism. Here he speaks with Barbara Fischkin about stress and Post-Traumatic Stress Syndrome (PTSS) and how it affects parents of individuals with Autism who experience their own "very long tour." And what to do about it. This is a complicated issue and some may want to listen more than once.

LIVE Conference Video Schedule

The 2010 AutismOne / Generation Rescue live video streaming was an absolute huge success. We were so happy to have so many of you who couldn't attend the conference.

Conference Speakers!

This is a partial list of conference speakers*, listed by day. A more comprehensive schedule and registration and hotel information will be posted tomorrow evening.

Best wishes and see you in Chicago!

Student Scholars for Autism Program

Dr. Charles Chapple
Dr. Marshall Dickholtz
Dr. Thomas O'Bryan
Student Scholars for Autism Program
Additional lectures

Timothy Adams, Esq.
Lynne Arnold
Maria Cammarata
Wendy Fournier
Dr. Roy Leonardi
Lori McIlwain
Phyllis Musumeci
Mary Coyle, DIHom