advice from a pediatrician to me
When my first son was a month old I took him to a chiro for his first adjustment, she warned me about vaccinations, thimerisol, and autism, she gave me a website to check out. At his 2 mo check up/1st vaccine apt I refused all vaccines and was made to sign a waiver which caused me to feel guilty and question my decision. At the 4 month checkup I was feeling guilty for not protecting him from all these horrible diseases. I asked the Dr. about the link between the vaccine and autism and the rise in autism rates. She told me in a half hour lecture about why each vaccine was needed, that there is a CULT(which I now belong to!) who believes this theory about a link between the thimerisol. The only reason the autism rates have increased is due to it being diagnosed more, the only reason the unvaccinated kids dont get small pox, etc, is because of a herding effect(all the other kids they are around have been vaccinated). I bought it and got him vaccinated. He was diagnosed with pdd-nos at 2 1/2 .