

How many of you have children whose sensory, immune, metabolic, nutritional, gastrointestinal, toxicity, hormonal, or other physiological issues manifest as behavioral challenges? And of those of you who are both active in advocacy and are researching and exploring all means to safely address these, how do you feel when strangers say that you should be focusing on addressing your child's "naughtiness"?

So many parents whom I know do A LOT to address what strangers view as "naughtiness." This includes facilitating in-home educational/behavioral programs; driving many miles to occupational therapy, sensory integration therapy, physical therapy, speech therapy, auditory therapy, vision therapy, social skills therapy, and other therapy appointments; going to meetings with school administrators; cooking especially healthful meals (as food allergies can manifest as behavioral issues); etc. So, in these ways, parents are most certainly addressing trying to help what strangers might be referring to as "naughtiness." Another way that the parents are trying to help what strangers might be referring to as "naughtiness," is by restoring dysregulated immune systems and safely detoxifying bodies in which the metabolic system was not able to clear environmental toxins of today's polluted world and toxins received via vaccines. As an example, heavy metal toxicity can cause anger and aggression - perhaps this is the "naughtiness" of which strangers speak. Pathogens, such as Strep, can have behavioral consequences (it is well known in the medical literature that both pathogens and nutritional issues can cause seemingly "psychiatric" or behavioral issues). Sensory integration dysfunction most certainly causes all sorts of behavioral symptoms. And pain that is the result of physiological pathology also can cause aggression. When parents team up with competent physicians and address underlying conditions, behavioral symptoms often are remedied.