
Are our children the Canary in a Coal Mine?

The diagnosis of autism devastates more families every day. A diagnosis doesn't just affect a child and his immediate family. It touches extended family, friendships, social gatherings, schools and communities as well.

This is a public health issue of the highest priority. We need to join together and speak for our children.

Children with autism are here to teach us to clean up the mess we've made of our environment and to stop putting toxic chemicals into our bodies.

With each generation, our bodies take on higher levels of toxins. The results? Children are entering this world with compromised and injured systems (nervous, immune, digestive). Then once they arrive they’re immature systems get assaulted with toxins on a daily basis through air, food, water and chemicals in vaccines.

This problem will not go away unless we speak out for our children. Below are two individuals and one collaboration of individuals unafraid to speak out.

  • David Kirby, journalist and NY Times best-selling author of Evidence of Harm and author of new release, Animal Factory. I heard David Kirby on Wednesday night talk about his new book, It’s chilling to hear the toxic effects that concentrated animal feeding operations have on the animals and the environment.
  • Jamie Oliver, famous for being the Naked Chef. He recently started a Food Revolution in our country’s schools with his new TV show. Check it out on Friday nights 9pm on ABC. Please support his revolution by signing his petition.
  • American Rally For Personal Rights is happening May 26th in Chicago. If you feel strongly about protecting the universal human rights standard of informed consent for all medical interventions, please visit the site and see what you can do support this event. And if you're attending the AutismOne convention, please join us at the rally in downtown Chicago.

It’s time to shine the light in the dark corners where so many are afraid to look. The longer we wait, the more devastating the results. Will you please join me and let your voice be heard.

Please share your thoughts about what you see as a result of the increased level of toxins all around us.