Post-Conference Thoughts: Building Blocks of Success
On May 31 at 3:30pm CST, I collected the last of the AutismOne video recordings. A long week had come to a close. Browsing through my hard-drive I realized what a great opportunity the conference presents to parents. In just 6 days, my crew produced well over 100 recordings. Each recording represents an opportunity for parents to sift through a sea of information and hopefully uncover a pearl that will help their children.
I wish their was an easier, less tiresome, less trying, less arduous process than this information beach combing. I hope that over the next year as this information is catalogued, key worded, and uploaded into the new AutismOne site, questions and answers will become banded together. I want to believe that AutismOne can provide real hope through real answers.
Real answers I feel come from real information, that is information without the use of fillers, substitutes, or stabilizers. There is a breathtaking amount of information on the internet that is the the rehashing of someone else's rehashed rehashment. By the time such information is consumed, it is like factory farmed beef, fat and marbled with little nutritional value. This is where I hope AutismOne can be a light.
I hope AutismOne can cut through the fat and provide consistent access to lean, primary source information. Parents need to be first in line to draw conclusions based on real, unbiased information. Information tainted with political swagger, peer pressure, and public opinion are not good enough.
Real, unbiased, primary source information helps parents help their children.
My best to you and your families,