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CBS News - Family to Receive $1.5M in First-Ever Vaccine-Autism Court Award

The first court award in a vaccine-autism claim is a big one. CBS News has learned the family of Hannah Poling will receive more than $1.5 million dollars for her life care; lost earnings; and pain and suffering.

Hannah was described as normal, happy and precocious in her first 18 months.

Then, in July 2000, she was vaccinated against nine diseases in one doctor's visit: measles, mumps, rubella, polio, varicella, diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, and Haemophilus influenzae.

Read the CBS report here

Product of the Week - What do you think is a great product?

We are always looking for amazing products that really make a difference in our members lives. Please tell us what product you love, find useful or we should help spread the word about. This weeks Product of the Week is the Talk To Me 100 by Sydspeak, a powerful engaging tool for children who are learning to talk, or who have difficulty mastering verbal expression

check it out here >>

Leave a comment below on what you want us to feature in the future!

HRSA-funded Poison Control Center Says Vaccines Don't Cause Autism

Warning! The following contains so many factual errors on so many levels the reader may have to notify their local poison control center of poisoning by propaganda.

A poison control center dismissing the dangers of thimerosal? It all makes sense when most of their funding comes from HRSA, which also funds the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program.

The Bottom Line:
Vaccines Don't Cause Autism

Words of Wisdom for new parents receiving the ASD diagnosis for their child

When diagnosis of ASD first arrives, there is incredible confusion as to what it means. You question what you need to do to change it. You struggle with the realities of what it means to live with it for the rest of your life. You seek all kinds of interventions and even possible cures. As I will call myself a "senior parent", I can advise one thing... use humor though the journey you are about to live. Figure out the ways to reduce the stress of your family. Figure out ways to relieve your stress.

We had Daniel's First Occupational Therapy Appt. Today.

Today we had our first appointment with the new Occupational Therapist which we have been waiting for for at least six months. I was really pleased to see her. She is a very nice lady, and she worked really well with Daniel, and she was very much into partnership working with myself, asking what I feel needs work on most and listening to my concerns and she acknowledge that I am Daniel's mum and I know him best. Which is a first as many professionals seem to think they know best, and dictate how I should be a parent. So this refreshing approach was most welcome.

August Showers

I have picked up on something sort of garden related that is helping me to teach my son to be independent.

Prepare for kinda weird and gross but this is helping me do something I have tried to do for years.

When my son is in the shower he won't do a good job of washing himself. He'd rather get to the job of getting water anywhere but the tub and shower - the fun stuff. Well it has been hard to teach him to properly wash himself. He especially will not wash between his legs.

Daniel has Finally Started to Take an Interest in the Garden!

Well this has been a rough week as far as sleep is concerned!! I think some of the issues do stem from the fact that poor Daniel’s bedroom has at times been 30 degrees!! Which is ridiculous. But that is with the window wide open and a fan on. There is nothing more we can do to bring the temperature down. So I have resorted to the boys going to bed in just a thin T-shirt and a nappy these last few nights. It does seem to have done the trick. I have also reverted to using the Melatonin for Daniel. He has just been going to bed almost ‘wired’ recently.

Book Review: Eating For Autism

At first glance of Elizabeth Strickland's "Eating For Autism" I had no intention of picking it up. Years of wading through nutritionally scant gluten/casein free foods in stores had me jaded. Potato starch and white rice flour laden products abound: store after store, layer upon layer, year after year. Seriously. If these foods could be made to taste fantastic and still be nutritious, surely someone would have done that already.

Elizabeth Strickland has. I just wish I found her book five years ago, before my family swore off all gluten free breads.

Advocacy in the Community Autism Action NOW!

I have been involved with many service organizations and have been impressed with their missions, dedication & diligence. Sometimes though I have thought what if they could do more. Recently I was involved with a fundraiser for my son that was nothing short of a miracle. I just want to share just a few of the steps that got a community to wake up, come out, support & give new meaning to the saying help your fellow neighbor.

Dad's Night 2011 at the Autism One Conference

Hello Moms and Dads,

As most of you who have attended the AutismOne Conference in years past know, there has been a Spa Night for moms to relax and be pampered as they should be....

For the 2011 conference, I have the honor of putting together the first Dads' Night. I am off to a great start with local business willing to participate and give dads some time to relax, eat and drink with their peers.

Please spread the word and, most important, attend the 2011 AOne Conference! It is has been so beneficial to many families and children; this year's will not be any different.