Cranial Osteopathy and Autism

Cranial osteopathy addresses subtle states of tension and tissue quality in the anatomy of the whole body, with particular regard to areas of strain or dysfunction. Recent or old injuries or traumatic events may have affected the way in which the body compensated. The osteopathic perspective prioritizes activating the innate ability of the body to heal itself, offering gentle and specific support where needed to bring the tissues into a state of balance and release so that health and proper function may be restored. This lecture will look at the osteopathic perspective to bringing the ability for greater maturation to the body.


Shawn K. Centers, DO


Shawn K. Centers, DO, FACOP, BCIM, BCIP, is the medical director of the Children's HOPE Center (Holistic, Osteopathic, Pediatric, Essential). 

Before starting the Children's HOPE Center, Dr. Centers served as the medical director of the Osteopathic Center for Children, where he worked closely with the esteemed Dr. Viola Frymann for over 20 years. He is an internationally renowned pediatrician and osteopath chosen by Dr. Frymann to continue her work. 

Over the years, under the direction of Dr. Viola Frymann and Dr. Shawn Centers, patients have been seen from all over the United States, Europe, Asia, and Mexico; Drs. Frymann and Centers developed the Osteopathic Center for Children into a renowned international training center, working with physicians and osteopaths from around the world.