Reaching and Engaging the Autism Community: Turning Skills into Impact (Chiropractic Continuing Ed Track registrants only)

It’s one thing to have the tools, knowledge, and skill set to massively impact children with autism and their families, but it doesn’t do a whole lot if you can’t reach them and educate them in a way that helps them understand why chiropractic is an essential piece of their healing journey and optimal quality of life for the entire family unit. Dr. Tullius will share real-world communication, marketing and advertising strategies that will allow you to reach these children and families in such dire need. 

Steve Tullius, DC, ACP

 Steve Tullius, DC, ACP is a pediatric and family chiropractor focused on the care of children with neurodevelopmental disorders and other chronic cases within a subluxation-centered model. He lectures internationally on chiropractic philosophy, pediatrics, and social media marketing and communications.

In 2014 he received the “Service to the Profession” Award from Sherman College of Chiropractic and is the current Vice President of the International Federation of Chiropractors and Organizations.

His program, Unraveling Neurodevelopmental and Behavioral Disorders, has received public and professional recognition for its powerful education on the neurodevelopmental disorder epidemic and the role of chiropractic and vertebral subluxation centered care in it. It has been delivered at multidisciplinary conferences, to academic professionals, and at chiropractic offices throughout the United States and Canada.