Sensory matter

Re to this very interesting conference:

Glenn Doman and the sensory program

Years ago I was working with a child that was following one Doman program mostly about the normalization of the sensory level.
He had done some checking on his sensory level and, based on that, the program was about to stimulate that one poor and to inhibit the hyper one.
I find the sensory dysfunctions very fundamental issue in subjects with autism and I would like to know if anyone have had similar experiences.

sensory problems

yes, sensory problems are a really big issue in autism.
what program did Glenn Doman use? I attended his training for children with brain injuries, but I don't recall anything begin specific to sensory.
If you do a search for sensory on the website you'll find some videos and presentations about sensory integration.
There is so much more research that needs to be done in this area too.

Sorry..I'm late!

Sorry..I'm late! Unfortunately I broken my ribs in this time between... the activities were regarding stimulations for his eyes, his tactile function and the hearing; we had a specific plane to follow with the exact timing.
Thank you for your infos.